Released on 19 July 2021 - by founders, for founders.
Company page (detail view): we re-designed our company page for ease of viewing and improved browsing experience.
APIs maintenance: our APIs needed some tender love care.
Issues and errors
Co-investors analysis (under portfolio analysis): we're upgrading the database with new data models and attributes.
Funding sources: we're also upgrading this database.
What to expect in our next release on 30 July 2021
Loading bar (logins and charts)
Activation of our payment system
Single sign-on authentication
*Note: Features release schedule (2-3 weeks) is tentative and may subject to change.
Important notice: we moved our Idea Checker (under Tools) and it's still under maintenance, so we seek your kind patience.
If you want us to add new research questions, let us know.
EIN Presswire costs lower and is more affordable for new startups and small companies.
Return to Release notes.
Last edited on 6 January 2022.