roiquant 3.2.1 release notes

Affordable business decision support system

roiquant 3.2.1 release notes

We're delighted to announce the release of roiquant 3.2.1, which includes features release, new updates and issues fixes.

Released on 20-21, 25, 30-31 January & 1 February 2023 - by founders, for founders.


  • New results view mode (idea checker): for a better user experience, we're displaying the results of your idea validation analysis on a new view-mode page.

    • In doing so, we're preventing the interruptions of new queries to be analyzed, as well as the loss of input data while waiting for the results to be ready and shown.

    • We also changed rephrased failure rate into risk of failure.


  • Big data pipeline and architecture upgrade: we redesigned and improved our data pipeline and architecture into a serverless event-driven architecture to orchestrate serverless data processing workflow asynchronously for advanced real-time analytics and text analytics.

    • We upgraded our current data architecture to perform batch and interactive processing and analysis of large amount of data (millions of records/datapoints with millions and millions of features/properties) within a minute.

  • Idea validation system upgrade: our serverless event-driven architecture is powering our idea checker system to compute and process large amount of data on demand with large-scale parallel workflows.

    • We also improved its accuracy through better algorithms, models, benchmarking, scoring, and recommender systems.

    • By the way, do note that if your conceptual business idea returned no similar companies in your results, it could be that your idea is truly unique and/or that our database currently does not have any records of companies offering similar product-or-service as yours.

      • Therefore, we highly encourage that you do additional research to better understand your competitive landscape.

  • Profile management upgrade (previously, Data contribution): we renamed Data contribution to Profile management, enabled profile editing, and moved the access link from the help icon to account icon on the top navigation bar.

    • We also renamed Profile to Account on the top navigation bar.

    • Users can now contribute data, whether active or inactive entities, whether historical or latest datasets, whether organizations or people, to gain meaningful insights.

    • Founders who are participating in our startup competitions, your user, organization and product profiles will also be accessible and editable from this feature as well.

  • Serverless APIs maintenance: we improved the serverless computing performance of our calling APIs to multiple streams of data processing.

  • Update of the survival rate of private sector establishments in the United States till 2022 (postmortem analysis): we updated the dataset.

  • Dashboard (numbers at a glance): we included a live count/update of the total number of roiquant users.

  • Codes clean-up: we performed an overall code clean-up for everything we've built to keep our codebase clean.


  • Payment system (powered by Stripe): we caught some minor errors and fixed them, which enabled us to receive transactions from new customers. Yay!

    • Powered by Stripe, rest be assured that our payment system is secured.

  • Tools - idea validation (aka, idea checker): during one of our updates, one of our roiquant users kindly reported that our idea checker wasn't working to which we've fixed the issue and it's now working perfectly.

  • UI/UX fixes: we're always improving for your better experience.

    • We did a lot of changes and improvements on our overall user interface and user experience designs for both our roiquant.com (website) and app.roiquant.com (webapp).

    • If you pay attention, you'll notice the difference - every detail matters.

What we're working on and what to expect in our next release on 10 February 2023

  • Developer plan - free API plan and basic API plan (powered by RapidAPI): to release our public facing APIs (under Developer Plan) on RapidAPI platform (world's largest APIs marketplace).

    • In good timing, we'll also release our public facing APIs directly on our website (self-managed; cheaper rates) as well.

      • That said, we'll continue to work with APIs marketplaces (platforms) to make our APIs easily accessible and available to the developer communities worldwide.

  • http://roiquant.com (website): to revamp our homepage's design, as well as to update our products introductory pages' description and copywriting.

  • Improvement of existing features: to upgrade all of our features in time for our preseed competition in 20 March till 9 June 2023.

  • UX (user experience) design: we'll always improving our UX design for you.

*Note: Features release schedule is tentative and may subject to change.

What to expect in our product roadmap for first half of 2023

  • No-code builder: to enable non-technical founders build MVPs (Minimum Viable Products) without needing the knowledge to write a single line of programming code in order to quickly test the market.

  • Idea checker analytics, business planner analytics, and risk analytics: to continuously improve accuracy through better algorithms, models, benchmarking, scoring, and recommender systems.

    • Our researchers are improving our proprietary advanced analytics and text analytics technologies with continuous R&D.

  • Pro Plan (powered by AWS Activate): to access more data via our public APIs (pay by overage model) and roiquant customers will receive up to USD $25,000 $10,000 worth of AWS credits (eligibility criteria apply).

  • Database: to continuously publish more enriched data.

    • We're gradually populating our live.database from the millions of companies that we've collected because we still can't afford to host and process all of them.

*Note: Product development and roadmap may subject to change.


  • Over the past few months, we've been very very very busy with our product development and AI tech R&D, as well as preparing for our virtual preseed startup competition on 20 March till 9 June 2023.

    • In December 2022, we actually had one of our best annual team meetings to date and addressed many issues harmoniously.

    • We also secured a Silver Sponsor (Fitness Zone) and Community Partner (1337 Ventures), which we celebrated over our annual dinner.

  • In addressing our team's burnout issue, we had a great rest from 24 December 2022 till 3 January 2023 to recuperate for an exciting new year!

    • We're working our best to achieve our growth milestone this year and we look forward to share this journey with you. Blessed new year, everyone!

  • If you want us to add new research questions, let us know.

  • Something is wrong or broken? Tweet us or write us or ping us on Discord (customer support channel).

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Last edited on 3 February 2023.


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