Affordable business decision support system

Flipidea 2.0.23


Flipidea 2.0.23 release notes

We're delighted to announce the release of Flipidea 2.0.23, which includes feature releases, new updates, and issues fixes.

Released on 10 September 2020 - by founders, for founders.


  • Rewards credit system (for successful verified data report): for each unique data report (of reasons for shutdown) on a unique company, we'll reward you with USD $0.003 credits; for the consecutive data reports on the same reported company, we'll reward you with USD $0.002 credits per report.


  • Data reporting (credit balance): yay, we fixed it and our data reporting is ready for Beta testing; upon each verified and successful data report, we'll reward you with credits per data report.

  • Pricing plans table: we want to excite you with our upcoming features, which we'll gradually unveil after every scrum-sprint.

  • Data report table (edit button): we added an edit button.


  • Idea checker (result's pagination): it was showing more than it should - extra row, we fixed that.

Issues and errors

  • Advanced search (city, state): due to the covid-19 pandemic, our cities and states remain locked down as it's too dangerous to travel now while we practice physical distancing by staying at home.

  • Filter buttons (city, state): since we're all staying at home, we can't explore and visit other cities and states.


  • In order to clarify how our rewards credit system works, we'll publish a documentation to explain it in details.

  • If you want us to add new research questions, let us know.

  • Something is wrong or broken? Tweet us or write us.

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Last edited on 6 January 2022.

Empowering founders to innovate